Call me M. I came from a small village in the Philippines and am currently between NYC and other places I like to call home. I keep this blog with my friends as a fun, personal ramble into our chaotic lives. We are by no means professional bloggers or photographers.

But feel free to come along for the ride!

Putting PLANTS in dark corners. I don’t have a problem.

I live in an apartment building next to many other apartment buildings, and inevitably a neighbor blocks out some of my natural light. My solution to these darker corners of my apartment, including my north-facing windows, has been plants and plant lights. They bring both life and light into our home and my boyfriend (who just looked over my shoulder to see this post, and chuckled) can confirm I’m obsessed.

Need an easy plant setup for your dark corners? I am so happy to share.

Falling in love with love.

It’s still the pandemic and I’ve surprised myself by joining an online writing group. But not just any writing group, a romance novel writing group. The people are brilliant and I am the least consistent and least talented writer of the lot. By no small margin. I love it. Check out this fun crew at Smut U.

In between writing group meetings and work and the general rush of life, I’ve also taken a dive into romance novels. I am inhaling the most basic and delicious (a.k.a. basically delicious?) of love books. Does the title include “cowboys”? I’m in. Did the main character get amnesia and fall into love through a series of ridiculous events? Save me a seat. I’m looking at you, Big Bad Cowboy and Siri Who Am I?.

Loves, I’m in love with love these days, and so grateful for it. It has saved my mind. Tell me, what light have you found in this pandemic? <3

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